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Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi


Tokyo 2021

Interior Design


Lighting Design: Uchihara Creative Lighting Design

MEP Design: Kankyo Engineering

Art Direction: A.I.T.

CD and Construction (B Work): Kajima

CD and Construction (C Work): Tanseisha

Photography: Nacasa and Partners

Official Website (English)


​Press Release by Mitsui Fudosan

Official Promo Video

2021 Good Design Award

​​2022 iF Design Award

The Club is the first satellite facility in its 90+ year history, dating back to the 1920s when the first American Club was established in Tokyo. Given the fact that the facility is for select membership and its size being considerably smaller than the main facility in Azabudai, we envisioned the Nihonbashi facility as a large "home" for the TAC family, where members would desire to frequently "return", rather than "visit". The facility consists of a fitness center, a bar/restaurant area, and a VIP room, all of which are covered under a single gently-sloped "roof". The consistent materiality and detailing of the roof-like ceiling is the most important design element connecting the separate areas of the Club both visually and emotionally. American black walnut, basalt stone, brass and custom wool carpet work in harmony to create spaces that represent American richness and Japanese sense of craft.


The artwork collection within Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi is by some of the most notable artists from the US and Japan, curated by AIT. Featured artists whose work(s) are exhibited at the Club are:


Yamaguchi Akira / 山口晃/ (Born 1969, Lives in Tokyo)
AsukaTakamatsu / 高松明日香/ (Born 1984, Lives in Kagawa)
Hiroshi Sugimoto / 杉本博司/ (Born 1948, Lives in Tokyo/New York)
Hisham Akira Bharoocha/ ヒシャム・アキラ・バルーチャ/ (Born 1976 in Niigata, Lives in New York)
JB Blunk/ J.B. ブランク/ (Born 1926 in Kansas, Died 2002 in California)
Jesse Schlesinger / ジェシー・シュレシンガー/ (Born 1979 in Kentucky, Lives in California)
Sanford Biggers / サンフォード・ビガーズ/ (Born 1970 in California, Lives in New York)
Shingo Francis / フランシス真悟/ (Born 1969 in California, Lives in Kanagawa)
TsubasaKato / 加藤翼/ (Born 1984 in Saitama, Lives in Tokyo)
Ushio Shinohara / 篠原有司男/ (Born 1932 in Tokyo, Lives in New York)



株式会社ヨシモトアソシエイツ 一級建築士事務所


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